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Manager names from CRAP.. to CZUR..

Craparotta , Antonino
Crates , Alan John
Cravarolo , Luciano
Craven , John Anthony
Craven Walker , Antony
Crawford , John Cecil Andrew
Cremers , Frans
Cremonini , Claudia
Cremonini , Giuseppe
Cremonini , Luigi
Cremonini , Vincenzo
Crespi , Dario
Crespo Sierra , José Antonio
Crestey , André
Criado-Perez , Carlos
Criel , Ludwig
Crippa , Michel Crockett
Crisan , Marian
Crisci , Alfonso
Crisci , Giorgio
Crisci , Giuseppe
Croé , Heinrich
Croisset , Charles Francis de
Crombie , Sandy
Cromme , Gerhard
Cronauer , Axel
Crone , Hugo
Cronin , Denis
Croonenbroeck , Hermann
Crosby , James
Crous Millet , Enric
Crowley , Laurence G.
Cruikshanks , Geoffrey David
Crux , Richard
Cryan, John
Csányi , Sándor
Csaplár , Gábor
Csima , László
Csöndes , Zoltan
Cucurull Corberó , Miguel
Cudworth , J
Cuevas Salvador , José Maria
Cunningham , William Thomas
Curti , Beat
Custer , Jacques R.
Cuvillier, Oliver
Cuzman , Ioan
Czernin , Hubertus
Cziegler , Attila

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